Listed below, in chronological order, are the oral presentations for RCEM 2005. In addition to oral presentations, poster presentations that were submitted by authors are also included. To update your presentation, please email Nils Oberg at
Presentations that are grayed out are ones for which no presentation is available.
Gary Parker's RCEM banquet presentation is also available here.
8:00 | Introductory remarks | |
Session TU-01 (Room A) Moderator: Brad Murray | ||
8:10 | H. Yasuda, Y.Watanabe, H. Mitamura, K. Hasegawa & B. Nawarathna | Report on Asian tsunami ascending the river, and its associated bank erosion and bridge failure in Sri Lanka |
8:30 | P. Chagas & R. Souza | The presence of a coastal harbor structure in the village of Pecem - Northeast of Brazil - and its influence in the coastal line changes of that region |
8:50 | F. Cayocca | Morphological evolutions of a macrotidal bay under natural conditions and anthropogenic modifications |
9:10 | I. Todeschini, M. Toffolon & M. Tubino | Long term evolution of self-formed estuarine channels |
9:30 | J.P.M. Syvitski | The morphodynamics of deltas and their distributary channels |
9:50 | (Invited) H. Ikeda | Laboratory experiments suitable for improving an eye for seeing landscapes |
10:20 | Break | |
Session TU-02 (Room A) Moderator: James Syvitski | ||
10:35 | (Invited) C. Paola | Response of river systems to tectonic deformation |
11:05 | T. Muto & J.B. Swenson | Controls on alluvial aggradation and degradation during steady fall of relative sea level: flume experiments |
11:25 | J.B. Swenson & T. Muto | Controls on alluvial aggradation and degradation during steady fall of relative sea level: theory |
11:45 | Y. Akamatsu, G. Parker & T. Muto | Effect of the sea level rise on rivers flowing into the ocean: application to the Fly-Strickland river system, Papua New Guinea |
12:05 | A. D'Alpaos, S. Lanzoni, M. Marani & A. Rinaldo | On the morphodynamic evolution of tidal environments |
12:25 | Lunch | |
Session TU-P (Room C) Poster Session | ||
R.N. Szupiany, M.L. Amsler & J.J. Fedele | Estimation of suspended sand concentrations with an ADP, Colastiné river - Argentina | |
S. Francalanci & L. Solari | A particle tracking technique to study gravitational effects on bedload transport | |
A.N. Papanicolaou & A.R. Maxwell | Methodological considerations for studying self-weight fluidization in a sedimentation column | |
K. Clancy & K. Prestegaard | Quantifying particle organization in boulder bed steams | |
P. Chatanantavet & G. Parker | Modeling the bedrock river evolution of western Kaua'i, Hawai'i, by a physically-based incision model based on abrasion | |
T. Itoh & S. Egashira | Effect of debris flow discharge on equilibrium bed slope | |
K.B. Strom & A.N. Papanicolaou | Toward prediction of the spatial distribution of clusters in a watershed via geomorphic and hydraulic methods | |
M. Wong & G. Parker | Vertical and streamwise dispersion of tracer stones in gravel-bed streams | |
G. Dam, A.J. Bliek & A.W. Bruens | Band width analysis morphological predictions Haringvliet Estuary | |
C.M. García, C. Manríquez, K. Oberg & M.H. García | Density currents in the Chicago River, Illinois | |
S.E. Coleman, V.I. Nikora, S.R. McLean & E. Schlicke | Spatially-averaged turbulent flow over square-rib roughness | |
J. Zeng, G. Constantinescu & L.Weber | Validation of a computational model to predict suspended and bed load sediment transport and equilibrium bed morphology in open channels | |
Y. Hasegawa & Y. Shimizu | Flood simulation for the Appetsu River in Hokkaido, Japan, during Typhoon Etau of 2003 | |
A. Stocchino, A. Siviglia & M. Colombini | Flood control of the Vara River (North-western Italy) | |
A. Lambert, V. Rey, O. Samat & M. Provansal | Watertable monitoring on a beach equipped with a dewatering system: relationship between watertable elevation and beach morphology, preliminary results | |
Y.Watanabe & K. Kuwamura | Mode-decrease process of double-row bars | |
A. Marzadri, G. Vignoli, A. Bellin & M. Tubino | Effects of bar topography on hyporheic flow in gravel-bed rivers | |
H. Wang, F. Huang & X. Shao | Evaluating the effectiveness of engineering measures against water level drop downstream of the three Gorges Dam using a 2-D numerical model | |
S. Kostic & G. Parker | Numerical experiments on subaqueous cyclic steps due to turbidity currents | |
G. Parker | Theory for a clinoform of permanent form on a continental margin emplaced by weak, dilute muddy turbidity currents | |
A. Cantelli, G. Parker, S. Johnson, J.D.L. White & B. Yu | Dynamics of sand sedimentation resulting from turbidity currents caused by explosive submarine volcanic eruptions | |
O. Roche, S. Montserrat, Y. Niño & A. Tamburrino | Propagation and final deposition of granular flow: dam-break experiments with water and gas-fluidized grains | |
A. D'Alpaos, S. Fagherazzi & S. Lanzoni | On the cross-sectional evolution of tidal channels | |
N. Tambroni & G. Seminara | The role of the inlets in the morphological degradation of Venice lagoon | |
J.W. Lauer & G. Parker | Response of a simple channel network to post-glacial sea level rise | |
S. Vinzon, L. Calliari & T. Holland | Wave attenuation on muddy bottoms - a multidisciplinary field study offshore Cassino Beach, Southern Brazil | |
P. F. Rodríguez Espinosa & A. L. Ramírez Torres | Multivariate analysis (PCA) applied to coastal sediment (size and mineral composition) studies of Tamaulipas-Veracruz, Mexico: a contribution to understanding the morphodynamics of coastal areas | |
R. Johnson | BiOlogical Nucleation and Geological Kinetics (B.O.N.G.K.) Apparatus for IN SITU Evaluation of Carbonate Precipitation in a Hot Springs | |
M. Tal | Braiding and vegetation dynamics in a laboratory channel | |
C. Ramonell | Influence of the 1982-1983 flood on the floodplain development at a reach of the Paraná River, Argentina | |
Session TU-03 (Room A) Moderator: Suzanne Hulscher | ||
15:00 | (Invited) P. Wiberg | Controls on sediment availability on the continental shelf and implications for rates of morphologic evolution. |
15:30 | V. Garotta, M. Bolla Pittaluga & G. Seminara | What controls bar migration in tidal channels? |
15:50 | M.L. Kirwan & A.B. Murray | Response of an ecomorphodynamic model of tidal marshes to varying sea level rise rates |
16:10 | A. Feola, E. Belluco, A. D'Alpaos, S. Lanzoni, M. Marani & A. Rinaldo | Geomorphological properties of a lagoonal system |
16:30 | M. Toffolon & I. Todeschini | Channel competition in tidal flats |
16:50 | Break | |
Session TU-04 (Room A) Moderator: Pierre Julien | ||
17:10 | A. Bateman, M. Fernández & G. Parker | Morphodynamic model to predict temporal evolution of local scour in bridge piers |
17:30 | R. Akahori & M.W. Schmeeckle | Numerical analysis of secondary-flow around a spur dike using a three-dimensional free water surface LES model |
17:50 | S. Nakanishi, K. Hasegawa & K. Takahashi | One-dimensional analysis of bed evolution accompaning bank erosion |
18:10 | B. Mengoni & E. Mosselman | Analysis of river bank erosion processes: Cecina river, Italy |
8:00 | Informational remarks | |
Session TH-01 (Room A) Moderator: Yasuyuki Shimizu | ||
8:05 | M.J. Franca & U. Lemmin | Cross-section periodicity of turbulent gravel-bed river flows |
8:25 | F. Fornarelli & G. Vittori | Direct numerical simulation of an oscillatory boundary layer close to a rough wall |
8:45 | D. Velasco, A. Bateman & V. DeMedina | A new integrated, hydro-mechanical model applied to flexible vegetation in riverbeds |
9:05 | A. Sukhodolov & T. Sukhodolova | Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches: a case study on the M& uuml;ggelspree in Germany |
9:25 | K. Nakayama | Modeling the effect of stratification on sediment deposition |
9:55 | (Invited) G. Seminara | Morphodynamic influence and related issues |
10:15 | Break | |
Session TH-02 (Room A) Moderator: Allen Bateman | ||
10:35 | (Invited) P.Y. Julien, R. Rojas, M. Velleux & J.F. England | Modeling watershed erosion with CASC2D |
11:05 | W.E. Dietrich, P.A. Nelson, E. Yager, J.G. Venditti, M.P. Lamb & L. Collins | Sediment patches, sediment supply, and channel morphology |
11:25 | K. Masujin, Y. Shimizu & K. Hoshi | Study on flow at a river confluence |
11:45 | H. Kang & H. Tanaka | Influence of cross-shore sediment movement on long-term shoreline change simulation |
12:05 | N. Izumi, A. Tanikawa & H. Tanaka | The formation of beach cusps by waves with their crests parallel to shorelines |
12:25 | Lunch | |
Session TH-P (Room C) Poster Session | ||
B. Senjim | Changes in river bed morphology and ecology - Tuul River, Mongolia | |
W. de Jong, M. van Ledden, M.J. Kolkman & J.S. Ribberink | Prediction of uncertainties in the morphological behaviour of a graded sediment river | |
B. Rosier, J.-L. Boillat & A.J. Schleiss | Influence of bed morphology on side weir discharge coefficient | |
A.A. Jiménez, M. Berezowsky & J. Gracia | Long-term prediction of the effect of a weir in an alluvial river | |
M. Sasaki & K. Kiuchi | Nature-oriented river improvement at river juncture in river Iwaki, Japan | |
G.V.Wilkerson, K.C. Trowbridge & S.D. Prager | Risk assessment methodology using a regional channel erosion potential model | |
H. Havinga, H.R.A. Jagers & C.J. Sloff | Knowledge requirements for sustainable fairway management | |
Y. Murakami, S. Yamashita & M. Nakatsugawa | Radar rain gauge data-based analysis of causes of slope failure and estimation of sediment yield in the Saru river basin | |
J.F. Fox, A.N. Papanicolaou & O. Abaci | The impact of agricultural erosion processes upon 15N, 13C, and C/N signatures of eroded-soil | |
S.Wongsa & Y. Shimizu | Improvement of catchments scale system model for Ishikari River | |
D. Tsutsumi, M. Fujita & M. Sulaiman | Changes in the void ratio and void structure of riverbed material with particle size distribution | |
M.A.F. Knaapen, S.J.M.H. Hulscher, M.C.H. Tiessen & J. van den Berg | Using a sand wave model for optimal monitoring of a navigation depth | |
E. Schlicke, S.E. Coleman & V.I. Nikora | A PIV investigation into the interaction between wave motion and sediment ripples | |
K. Uonami, K. Sato, K. Noda, Y. Shimizu, Otsuka & J. Miyake | An application of shallow water model with bed variation and bank erosion process to a natural river | |
F. Bombardelli & G. Gioia | Towards a theoretical model of localized turbulent scouring | |
J.J. Fedele & M.H. García | Roughness function for alluvial rivers with dunes | |
A.J. Paarlberg, C.M. Dohmen-Janssen, A.P.P. Termes & S.J.M.H. Hulscher | A parameterization for flow separation in a river dune development model | |
M. Elhakeem & J. Imran | A bedload model for uniform sediment derived from the movement of bedforms | |
S.F. Leclair & J.Z. Miller | Time variation of probability distributions of dune-bed elevation in a large river | |
Ý. Güneralp & B.L. Rhoads | The spatial structure of planform dynamics of meandering rivers | |
J.D. Abad & M.H. García | Hydrodynamics in Kinoshita-generated meandering bends: importance for river-planform evolution | |
J.A. Vasquez, R.G. Millar & P.M. Steffler | Vertically-averaged and moment of momentum model for alluvial bend morphology | |
M. Catella, E. Paris & L. Solari | 1D morphodynamic model for natural rivers | |
R. Torres | Effects of marsh topography on overmarsh currents | |
P. Passalacqua, F. P-A, E. Foufoula & C. Paola | Scale dependence in numerical simulations of landscape evolution | |
S. Vinzon, B. Le Guennec & M. Strasser | Sediment transport issues in Amazon River and Estuary | |
A. L. Ramírez Torres & P. F. Rodríguez Espinosa | Sedimentology of the coast in front of the port of Altamira and the mouth of the Panuco River, on the Gulf of Mexico | |
B. Rosier, J.-L. Boillat & A.J. Schleiss | Influence of bed morphology on side weir discharge coefficient | |
Session TH-03 (Room A) Moderator: Susan Kieffer | ||
15:00 | (Invited) L. Pratson | Seascape evolution on continental shelves and slopes |
15:30 | P. Lancien, F. M& eacute;tivier, E. Lajeunesse & M.C. Cacas | Incision dynamics and shear stress measurements in submarine channels experiments |
15:50 | A. Yi & J. Imran | The role of erosion rate formulation on the ignition and subsidence of turbidity current |
16:10 | H. Naruse & F. Masuda | Internal structure of massive division in sediment gravity flow deposits visualized by grain fabric mapping |
16:30 | D. Mohrig, K.M. Straub, J. Buttles & C. Pirmez | Controls on geometry and composition of a levee built by turbidity currents in a straight laboratory channel |
16:50 | Break | |
Session TH-04 (Room A) Moderator: Marcelo Garcia | ||
17:10 | B. Fouke | Yellowstone biocomplexity: microbe-water-mineral dynamics at Mammoth Hot Springs |
17:30 | S.R. McLean & J.M. Nelson | Sediment transport over ripples and dunes |
17:50 | A. Blom | The impact of variability in dune dimensions on sediment sorting and morphodynamics |
18:10 | C. Narteau, E. Lajeunesse, F. M& eacute;tivier & O. Rozier | Modelling of dune patterns by short range interactions |
Session FR-01 (Allerton) Moderator: Giovanna Vittori | ||
9:00 | (Invited) A. Falques | 2D/3D beach morphology: the role of the wave potential stirring |
9:30 | S. Yamaguchi & N. Izumi | Weakly nonlinear analysis of dunes by the use of a sediment transport formula incorporating the pressure gradient |
9:50 | S. Serra & C.A. Vionnet | Migration of large dunes during extreme flood events of the Paraná River, Argentina |
10:10 | S.E. Coleman, E. Schlicke & S. Blackbourn | Growth of wave-induced ripples |
10:30 | Coffee | |
Session FR-02 (Allerton) Moderator: Albert Falques | ||
10:50 | (Invited) R. Kostaschuk | Sediment transport mechanics and subaqueous dune morphology |
11:20 | J. van den Berg & R. van Damme | Sand wave simulation on large domains |
11:40 | C.F. van der Mark, A. Blom, S.J.M.H. Hulscher, S.F. Leclair & D. Mohrig | On modeling the variability of bedform dimensions |
12:00 | A.B. Murray, G. Coco, M. Green, T. Hume & R. Thieler | Different approaches to modeling inner-shelf 'sorted bedforms' |
12:20 | Lunch | |
Session FR-03 (Allerton) Moderator: Patricia Wiberg | ||
13:30 | D. Jerolmack, D. Mohrig & B. McElroy | A unified description of ripples and dunes in rivers |
13:50 | G. Besio, P. Blondeaux & G. Vittori | Sand bank formation: comparison between 2D and 3D models |
14:10 | J.M. Nelson, A.R. Burman, Y. Shimizu, S.R. McLean, R.L. Shreve & M. Schmeeckle | Computing flow and sediment transport over bedforms |
14:30 | Closing remarks | |
15:45 | Bus back |