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Video Clips

Click on the hyperlink to download the video.  Be prepared to wait a bit: some of the files are fairly large.  If you wish to view a video clip within the PowerPoint presentation for the chapter in question without relinking, make sure to place the file of the video clip in the same directory as that of the PowerPoint presentation

File name & hyperlink Used in Chapter Description Size MB
rte-bookbedload.mpg 4, 28 Illustrates bedload transport by open-channel flow 83
rte-bookturbcurr.mpg 4 Illustrates suspended load and bedload transport by a turbidity current 13
rte-booksheetpeng.mpg 7 Illustrates bedload transport in the sheet flow regime 27
rte-bookmohrigloup.mpg 8 Illustrates the migration of dunes and bars in a sand-bed stream 10
rte-bookjapandebflow.mpg 13, 32 Illustrates a debris flow that does not satisfy the quasi-steady approximation 17
16 Illustrates the transport of gravel under below-capacity conditions, so that bedrock is exposed 24
23 Illustrates the presence of cyclic steps for the case of flow over and formation of an experimental alluvial fan 27
23 Illustrates the formation of cyclic steps in a model bedrock consisting of silica flour consolidated with kaolinite clay 7
23 Illustrates the formation of cyclic steps in a an experimental drainage basin subject to constant base level fall (modeling constant uplift of the basin) 6
31 Illustrates the response of a river to sudden dam removal: view looking upstream 11
31 Illustrates the response of a river to sudden dam removal: view looking from above 12
32 Illustrates the emplacement of the topset of a fan-delta in a subsiding basin by a braided stream 20
32 Illustrates the emplacement of a sandy topset and foreset and muddy bottomset of a delta 75
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