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Some PowerPoint Seminars and Posters are given here in ppt or pdf form
Title Hyperlink
Parker, G.  Deepwater turbidity current dynamics: inception, erosion and deposition.  SEPM Lunch Lecture, Tuesday, April 11, 2006, as part of AAPG Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, April 9 - 12, 2006


Parker, G.  Comparative Application of Dimensionless Bankfull Hydraulic Relations for Earth and Titan.  Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., 86(52):H316-06, December, 2005


Parker, G., Haff, P. K. and Murray, A. B.  A Kolmogoroff-type scaling for the fine structure of drainage basins.  Eos Trans. AGU 82(47), H41D-08, Fall Meeting AGU, December, 2001


Paola. C. and Parker, G.   Criterion for cutoff size of bed material load versus wash load in sand bed streams.  Eos Trans. AGU, 81(48), H11C-29, Fall Meeting, AGU, December, 2000


Parker, G.  Explaining the half-power dependence of bankfull river width on bankfull discharge.  Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting, AGU, December, 1997


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